
时间:2024-10-18 15:25:06

1、As everybody knows that english is used widely! Many people around me use english to post. Well, here I am not teaching you how to learn english but how to learn an english song!


2、First of all, please pick one english song you like. If you dont have one, please turn to your friends for help!


3、At the beginning,maybe you don't really catch up the rhythm just like chinese song that you first heard.


4、You dont catch up the rhythm and you can&#补朱锚卦39;t understand lylics. It is okay! Reading lyrics while listening. Try to understand the lyrics, if any new words come up, please look it up instantly!


5、When looking up to dictionary plese pause the song, after done looking up then go on listening!


6、After you got the meaning of lyrics then you will be getting interested in this english song! And try to sing along with it!


7、After many many times listening and you can feel the rhythm and sing along better!


8、When you can sing along better, please sing it even that song is not playing. Then you will find that you still need to improve, cuz sometimes will forget lyrics.


9、After practising and practising then you will find that you can sing it freely! Wow! Congras! Thi is how I sing an english song well!

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