front length from HPS:前身长(从肩颈点)
length -CB from NK seam:身长(从领缝)
shoulder seam forward from HPS:前过肩
shoulder slope :肩宽
across shoulder :seam to seam肩宽
across back :6 inches from HPS-SM to SM:后背宽(肩颈点下6英寸)
yoke:back from CBNK:后约克(后领中起)
across front 6 inches from HPS-SM to SM:前胸宽(肩颈点下6英寸)
chest -1inch down from armhole 胸宽(袖窿下一英寸)
sweep /bottom opening -straight 下摆直量
bottom band height 下摆贴边高
armhole -depth from HPS 袖笼直量
armhole-circumference front and back 袖窿弯量(一圈)
sleeve length :(long) from shoulder seam袖长
muscle width 1 inch below AH 袖肥(袖笼下一英寸)
forearm width 8 in above cuff edge 前臂宽(袖口上8英寸)
sleeve opening (long sleeve) 袖口
cuff height 袖口贴边高
neck width :seam to seam 领宽
front neck drop:from HPS to seam 前领深
neck drop :back from HPS to seam 后领深
collar :height at CB INCl RIB 领高
collar :length along edge excl zipper 领长(不含拉链)
CF zipper length 前中拉链长
chest pocket placement :from HPS 胸斗距离肩颈点
chest pocket placement :from of edge胸斗距离边
chest pocket :zipper PKT width (vertical)胸拉链长度
HIP pocket placement :UP from WBjoin下斗距离下摆贴边
side hip pocket placement :from CF edge to top corner 下斗上边距离前中
pocket :welt width (vertical)口袋长
pocket :welt height (horizontal)口袋宽