马术 英文介绍

时间:2024-10-11 23:07:01


Equestrian refers to the related skills of riding, driving and training horses over obstacles. Equestrian has the practical use of work and transportation, and also has the meaning of leisure, entertainment and culture. It is a competitive sport and the only competition for men and women in the Olympics.


The equestrian competition requires a jockey and a horse to match the horse's skill, speed, endurance and ability to overcome obstacles. In the Olympic Games, it is divided into dressage, obstacle course and three-day competition, each with group and individual gold medals. A total of 6 gold medals were produced.

马术 英文介绍


马在欧洲有贵族的象征,骑马对欧洲人而言不但是一种艺术:最高极致、结合了骑师与马匹之间的 调教,更是一门学问。马术比赛需要 骑师和马匹配合默契,考验马匹技巧、速度、 耐力和跨越障碍的能力。

马术是一项绅士运动,这项运动在人与马的完美配合中传递出儒雅。进入比赛场地后,观众要将手机关闭或设置振动状态。如有事,可用短信交流,或当比赛告一段落时,走出现场接打电话。应遵守一些比赛场馆不允许带相机入场、不允许使用闪光灯的规定。 凡是运动员有仰视动作、需高度集中注意力等比赛项目,都不得使用闪光灯。

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