2、启动终端仿真程序启动Windows超级终端程序,或其他终端仿真程序。终端仿真程序应当进行如下设置: 速率:9600 数据位:8 停止位:1 奇偶位:无 流控:无 3.用随机所带电源线,将设备连接到电源上。设备开始启动,在终端仿真程序中可以看到设备启动的过程。
4、设备登录 终端仿真程序屏幕上出现登录提示之后,就可以输入缺省的用户名/密码进行登录。缺省用户名是admin,缺省密码是password。如下所示,其中用户的输入用红色字体表示: Riverbed Steelheadamnesiac login:adminPassword:password
5、开始配置 登录成功之后,会自动进入初始配置向导。逐个回答配置向导的问题来进行设备配置。如果接受配置向导提供的缺省值,只需直接输入回车。下面是配置向导的示例: 讣嘬铮篌Last login: Thu Jan 3 07:50:57 on ttyS0 Riverbed Steelhead configuration wizard. Do you want to auto-configure using a CMC?nDo you want to use the wizard for initial configuration?yStep 1: Hostname? [amnesiac]test-beijing<- 给设备指定一个名称Step 2: Use DHCP on primary interface? [yes]Step 3: Admin password? Step 4: SMTP server? [] Step 5: Notification email address? Step 6: Set the primary interface speed? [auto] Step 7: Set the primary interface duplex? [auto] Step 8: Would you like to activate the in-path configuration? [no]yStep 9: In-Path IP address?<- 设备的IP地址Step 10: In-Path Netmask? []<- 设备的掩码Step 11: In-Path Default gateway?<- 设备的缺省网关Step 12: Set the in-path:LAN interface speed? [auto] Step 13: Set the in-path:LAN interface duplex? [auto] Step 14: Set the in-path:WAN interface speed? [auto] Step 15: Set the in-path:WAN interface duplex? [auto] You have entered the following information: 1. Hostname: test-beijing 2. Use DHCP on primary interface: yes 3. Admin password: (unchanged)4. SMTP server: 5. Notification email address: 6. Set the primary interface speed: auto 7. Set the primary interface duplex: auto 8. Would you like to activate the in-path configuration: yes 9. In-Path IP address: 10. In-Path Netmask: 11. In-Path Default gateway: 12. Set the in-path:LAN interface speed: auto 13. Set the in-path:LAN interface duplex: auto 14. Set the in-path:WAN interface speed: auto 15. Set the in-path:WAN interface duplex: auto To change an answer, enter the step number to return to. Otherwise hit to save changes and exit. Choice: Configuration changes saved. To return to the wizard from the CLI, use the "configuration jump-start" command in configure mode. Enter configuration mode using commands "enable" and "configuration terminal." Launching CLI... test-beijing > 至此,设备的基本配置完成
6、如果设备没有直接进入配置向导 如果设备冤铘讵柘没有直接进入配置向导,通常是因为该设备已经被配置过。为此,可以将现有配置清除掉,以便重新进入配就女蒿鸳置向导。命令如下: test-beijing > enable test-beijing # reset factory reload 设备会清除掉现有配置,并自动重新启动。在启动完成之后,用户再次登录进系统时,就会进入配置向导。。 额外的配置命令(可选步骤) 在配置向导顺利完成之后,如果需要的话,可以继续进行以下的额外配置。 首先执行enable命令,进入特权模式。test-beijing >enabletest-beijing # 然后在特权模式下,输入下列命令:test-beijing #conf t test-beijing (config) #telnet-server enable<- 允许Telnet远程访问test-beijing (config) #in-path peering auto<- 启用自动发现最远端的 优化设备 test-beijing(config) #in-path simplified routing all <- 当为三层交换机时,启 用简单路由,避免环路 test-beijing (config) #wr mem<- 保存配置test-beijing (config) #exittest-beijing #