ORA-28000 the account is locked怎么办

时间:2024-10-12 19:22:38

1、启动项目的时候提示ORA-28000 the account is locked。如下图:

ORA-28000 the account is locked怎么办


3、在DOS窗口输入sqlplus /nolog如下图:

ORA-28000 the account is locked怎么办

4、conn /as sysdba如下图:

ORA-28000 the account is locked怎么办

5、desc dba_profiles;如下图:

ORA-28000 the account is locked怎么办

6、select resource_name巳呀屋饔,limit from dba_profiles where resource_name='FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS&#泌驾台佐39;;如下图:从上面的查询结果可以看出,如果连续失败10次,用户就会被锁定。

ORA-28000 the account is locked怎么办

7、解锁用户在DOS窗口输入sqlplus /nolog

ORA-28000 the account is locked怎么办

8、conn /as sysdba

ORA-28000 the account is locked怎么办

9、alter user username account unlock;如下图:username为具体被锁定的用户名。

ORA-28000 the account is locked怎么办

10、修改参数failed_login_attempts=unlimited,当然这样修改会降低安全性,不建议这么做。alter profile default limit failed_login_attempts unlimited;如下图:

ORA-28000 the account is locked怎么办
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