VBA 批量调整 EXCEL 批注默认位置

时间:2024-10-13 13:33:53

1、Sub 恢复批注到默认位置()’’’’删除原批注然后重建,彻底解决编辑批画陲奴颁注时位置定位很远的乱象‘’’’’’解决Excel批注变成一条线的混乱情况 Dim Cmt As Comme荏鱿胫协nt, cmtText As String, PCrow As Integer, PCcol As Integer For Each Cmt In ActiveSheet.Comments '''1.查找批注 With Cmt cmtText = .Text '''2.1 读取批注内容 PCrow = .Parent.Row '''2.2 确定批注单元格行、列 PCcol = .Parent.Column .Delete '''3.删除批注 End With Cells(PCrow, PCcol).AddComment '''4.重建批注 With Cells(PCrow, PCcol).Comment '''5.调整批注文本宽大小 .Visible = False .Text Text:=cmtText '''5.1 恢复批注内容 .Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True '''5.2 批注自动尺寸 If .Shape.Width > 150 Then '''5.3 设置批注宽度大于150时的 尺寸 .Shape.Height = (.Shape.Height * .Shape.Width / 140) * 1.2 .Shape.Width = 150 Else '''5.4 设置批注宽度小于150时的 尺寸 .Shape.Height = .Shape.Height * 1.2 If .Shape.Width < 80 Then .Shape.Width = 80 Else .Shape.Width = 150 End If End If End With NextEnd SubSub 设置批注格式SetCommentPlacement() '设置选中单元格的批注属性 位置随单元格而变化Dim cell As Range Dim yWidth As Long For Each cell In Selection If Not cell.Comment Is Nothing Then cell.Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True cell.Comment.Shape.Placement = xlMove With cell.Comment.Shape .TextFrame.AutoSize = True If .Width > 250 Then yWidth = .Width * .Height .Width = 150 .Height = (yWidth / 200) * 1.8 End If .Height = .Height + 20 End With End If Next cell End Sub


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