
时间:2024-10-17 11:39:44

Ingredients: 100 grams of rice flour, 5 shrimps(主料:米粉100克、虾仁5只)

Seasoning: 5 grams of chopped green onion, 10 grams of carrots, 1 coriander, 5 ml of edible oil,

2 g of soy sauce, 2 g of pepper, 3 g of chili noodles, 10 g of rape, 2 g of chicken, 2 g of salt


Practice steps:(做法步骤:)

1、Wash all the ingredients first, all cut and spare(先把所有的配料洗净,全部切丝备用)


2、Soak the powder in cold water and soak it out(粉干浸泡在凉水里,泡软就捞出。)


3、Heat the oil pan, first put the shredded pork into the musk, then add the tofu strip to fry, then put a little salt, cooking wine, cover the lid(油锅烧热,先把肉丝放进去煸香,再放入豆腐条略煎,然后放少许盐,料酒,盖盖焖一下)


4、Put all the ingredients and stir fry for a few minutes until half cooked(把所有的配料放入,翻炒数分钟至半熟)


5、Finally, put the powder into the pot, pour the appropriate amount of soy sauce, stir fry evenly.(最后把粉干放入,倒入适量生抽,翻炒均匀就好了。)


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