p2v Linux提示Unable to query the live source

时间:2024-10-11 22:05:55

1、以为是没有以管理员身份运行VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Client客户端,关掉以管理员身份重新运行

p2v Linux提示Unable to query the live source


p2v Linux提示Unable to query the live source

3、日志也没看出什么原因 ,于是网上搜索了一下,在vmware官方的知识库中看到一条内容,感觉好像有帮助https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/70626?lang=en_US

p2v Linux提示Unable to query the live source


p2v Linux提示Unable to query the live source


p2v Linux提示Unable to query the live source
p2v Linux提示Unable to query the live source
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