
时间:2024-10-14 03:23:29

1、蜂蜜对润肺止咳,润畅通便,排毒养颜有显著功效。味甘,性平,自古就是滋补强身,排毒养颜的佳品。功效:对润肺止咳,润畅通便,排毒养颜有显著功效,很容易被人体吸收利用。适合症状:防治心血管疾病和神经衰弱有好处。英文翻译:Honey on cough Runfei, run smooth, Paiduyangyan a significant effect.Sweet, Ping, since ancient times is the tonic, the Jiapin paiduyangyan.Efficacy: cough Runfei, run smooth, Paiduyangyan a significant effect, it is easy to be absorbed by human body.For symptoms: good neurasthenia prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease and nerve.


2、胡萝卜能有效降低血液中汞离子的浓度,加速体内的汞离子的排除。味甘,性良,养血排毒,健脾健胃的有效解毒食物。功效:与体内的汞离子结合后,能有效降低血液中汞离子的浓度,加速体内的汞离子的排除。白萝卜、红萝卜、小萝卜也具有上述功效。适合症状:用于铅、汞超标的化妆品或饮食中铅汞引起的黄褐斑、蝴蝶斑等皮肤问题。英文翻译:Carrots can effectively lower blood concentrations of mercury ions, accelerate the mercury ion exclusion.Sweet, good nature, nourishing and detoxification, effective detoxification food spleen stomach.Efficacy: combined with mercury ions, jumeituan.uz.taobao.com,can effectively lower blood concentrations of mercury ions, accelerate the mercury ion exclusion. White radish, carrot, radish also have the above functions.For symptoms: used in cosmetics or dietary lead and mercury lead, mercury exceed the standard cause of chloasma, Hu Dieban skin.


3、海带中的碘被人体吸收后,促进有害物质,病变物和炎症渗出物的排除。味咸,性寒,是化痰、消炎、平喘、排毒、通便的理想排毒食物。功效:海带中的碘能被人体吸收后,促进有害物质,病变物和炎症渗出物的排除,同时海带含有一种叫硫酸多糖,能吸收血管中的胆固醇,并排出体外。英文翻译:Iodine in kelp was absorbed into the body, promote the harmful substances, to rule out the disease and inflammatory exudate.Taste salty, cold, phlegm, relieving asthma, is anti-inflammatory, detoxification, laxative ideal Detox food.Efficacy: the iodine in kelp can be absorbed by the human body, promote the harmful substances, to rule out the disease and inflammatory exudate, and kelp contains a called sulfated polysaccharide, can absorb the blood vessels of cholesterol, and from in vitro.


4、木耳可将残留在人体消化系统内的灰尘、杂质吸附,再排出体外。味甘,性平,是排毒解毒,消胃涤肠,和血止血的最佳食物。功效:木耳含有一种植物胶质,有较强的吸附力,可将残留在人体消化系统内的灰尘、杂质吸附,再排出体外。适合症状:从事粉尘环境中工作的人,特别应多食。英文翻译:The fungus can be residual dust in the human digestive system, the adsorption of impurities, and then eliminated from the body.Sweet, Ping, is a detoxification detoxification, elimination of gastro intestinal, the best food and blood hemostasis.Efficacy: fungus with a plant gum, has strong adsorption, can be dust, residual impurities in the human digestive system adsorption, and then discharge in vitro.Symptoms: for those who work in dust environment, in particular should be more food.


5、黄瓜所含的黄瓜酸,能促进人体新陈代谢,排出毒素。味甘,性平,是具有明显清热骈禄笫杳解毒,生津止渴的排毒食物。功效:黄瓜所含的黄瓜酸,能促进人体新安瓦此秽陈代谢,排出毒素,所含维生素C的含量比西瓜高5倍,能美白皮肤,使其保持弹性,抑制黑色素的形成。而且吃黄瓜有助于化解炎症,还能抑制糖类物质转化为脂肪。适合症状:肺、胃、心、肝及排泄系统状态不好,夏日里容易烦躁、口渴、喉痛或痰多。英文翻译:Cucumber pickled cucumbers contained, can promote the body The new supersedes the old., expel toxin.Sweet, Ping, has obvious Qingrejiedu, thirst detoxification food.Efficacy: cucumber pickled cucumbers contained, can promote the body The new supersedes the old., expel toxin, content of vitamin C is 5 times higher than the watermelon, can whiten the skin, and keep it in a flexible, inhibit the formation of melanin. And eat cucumber help alleviate inflammation, can inhibit carbohydrate into fat.For symptoms: lung, stomach, heart, liver and excretion of the system state is not good, the summer easy irritability, thirst, sore throat or phlegm.

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