1、Open the Start Menu打开 开始菜单
2、Type regedit in the Start Search area and press Enter在开始搜索区域输入regedit,再按Enter键。
3、Click on Continue in the UAC prompt在用户帐户控制提示窗中点击继续(中文版是点击”是“)。
4、Navigate to the following locat坡纠课柩ion:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYST呶蓟鹭毵EM\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters在注册表中定位到:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters
5、Locate EnableSuperfetch and EnablePrefetcher定位到EnableSuperfetch和 EnablePrefetcher
6、Double-clickone of the keys and set the Value data to 0-3 - Repeat for the other key双击其中的一个键,设置键值为0-3,另一个键值设置一样的值。The keys have the following values: 键值的含义如下: 0 = Disabled 关闭 1 = Application launch prefetching enabled 开启应用启动预读取 2 = Boot prefetching enabled 开启系统启动预读取 3 = Application launch and boot enabled 开启应用启动和系统启动预读取