
时间:2024-10-12 19:34:15

1、 用作主语。例如: It is an honour for me to be invited to the party.我被邀请参加晚会, 这是个荣幸的事。


2、 用作表语。例如: Nothing seems to have been forgotten. 仿佛一切都记忆犹新。 The problem remains to be further discussed in detail. 这个问题尚 需进一步详细讨论。


3、 用作宾语。例如: She asked to be sent to our college. 她请求派到我们学院。 T茑霁酌绡he students wanted to be given more experiments to do. 学生们想 多给些实验做。 More than half a century after his death,he continues to be read and quoted. 他去世已经半个多世纪,他的著作继续为人们阅读和 引用。


4、 用作主语补语。例如: Transistors are known to be widely used in rad足毂忍珩io industry. 晶体管 被公认广泛用到无线电工业中。 This book is said to have been translated into English. 据说这本书 已经译成英语。


5、 用作宾语补语。例如: He did not like his intention to be laughed at. 他不喜欢自己的意 图受到嘲笑。 The governor wanted the thief to be punished. 地方长官要让这个 窃贼受到惩罚。


6、 用作定语。例如: This question will be discussed at the conference to be held next month. 这个问题将在下月举行的会议上讨论。


7、 用作状语。例如: l was glad to have been praised. 我很高兴受到了表扬。 He has returned only to be sent away again. 他回来后又被派了 出去。

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