
时间:2024-10-16 01:56:39

1、一、石头剪刀布(Paper scissors stone)老师从每组中选一名成员,老师拿哪张卡片,两个学生就念哪个单词,同时出示石头、剪刀、布的手势。赢的同学得一分,输的同学需把单词再读两遍,同时说句子。(Today, I will divideyou into two groups. You are Group Fish, and you are Group Apple. If you put up a good show, Fish Group can have more fish, and Apple Group can have more apples. Let’s see which group can be the winner. Are you ready? Let’s play a game.)


2、二、我做你说(I do you say)老师可以采用“我做你说,我说你做”的游戏来复习已学过的动物单词(其他也可以)。老师模仿动物的叫声或者动作让学生说出单词,比如:cat, dog, rat, bird。反过来,老师说单词,学生模仿声音或动作,答对的可以获得奖励。(Today, I will divideyou into two groups. You are Group Rat, and you are Group Bird. If you put up a good show, you can get a balloon like this. Let’s see which group can have the most balloons. Are you ready? Let’s play a game.)


3、三、投篮(shoot the basket)老师从每组中选一名成员参加比赛。参赛的两名学生手中各拿一个小皮球,老师将纸箱放在其中一张单词卡片前,所有学生读出卡片上的单词,参赛的两名学生需边读单词边将手中的皮球投入纸箱中。能准确读出单词,且将球投入纸箱的同学得一分。没有将球投入篮中的学生需将单词读三遍。(Today, I will divideyou into two groups. You are Group One, and you are Group Two. If you put up a good show, you can shoot at the basket like this. And you can score a basket. Do you like it? Yes, let’s play a game. )


4、四、Cowboy(放牛娃犬匮渝扮)老师从每组中选一名成员参加比赛。参赛的两名学生背靠背,老师给每人一张卡片(注意卡片正面朝里傧韭茆鳟),老师和其他未参赛的学生一起数one, two, three, turn around。同时参赛的两名学生分别朝前迈三步,然后将卡片下面朝外向上举,并且读出对方卡片上的单词。最先正确读出对方卡片上单词的同学得一分。(Let’s play a game: Cowboy. Who can try? OK, you should stand back to back. Here is the card. You should hold it like this. Don’t speak. When I say one, you should step forward. Two, you should step forward. Three, step forward. When I say turn around, you should turn around like this, and show him/her your card. You should read the word on that card.)


5、五、Bingo(太好了!)老师从学过的单词中设计一个填字游戏,从每组中选一名成员参加比赛,学生要是知道答案了,就喊“bingo”,答对的学生加一分。(Let’s play a game: Bingo. You are Group red, and you are Group green. If you put up a good show,you can get one scores)



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