3、三、有以上生产日期和出厂编号之后,直接给Aptamil的全球客服部发邮件,直接联系Aptawelt Elternservice, MW ,Email邮件地址为:[email protected]邮件直接用简单的英文书写,表达出意思即可。这是其中一个样本,大家可以借鉴一下,用自己的英文表述出来即可。
4、Dear madam/sir,Hello!诔罨租磊I write this letter to your company for that I want to get your help. I bought some cans of milk powder of your company from Hong Kong several days ago. Now I want to know if these milk powders were produced by your factory or not. I am very happy that if you could do me a favor and identify these products.The following informantion was printed on the outer packaging of the infant milk powder can.Aptamil 3 Folgemilch mit Pronutra+ - RezepturMindestens haltbar bis:07/05/2016 L5W-310-201401019418:074008976022343I truely hope that you could do me a favor, and thank you very much !Best wishes!
5、四、接下来等待两三天后就会收到客服部门的回复。如果所买的奶粉为正品,一般就会收到以下邮件:thank you for your mail request. We checked th髫潋啜缅e data.The codes are correct and your products have originally been produced by our factory.那么,最后到这里,大家就可以放心啦,自己买的奶粉就是正品啦!
6、五、其中提一下注意事项。发邮件确认时,最好不要直接发图片,由于技术上原因,他们一般看不到图片。他们会发邮件让你把产品名、日期等信息(the name of your product, best before date, batch code and bar code)写下来发给他们的,如下:
7、最后,教大家一句德文Mit freundlichen Grüßen,用在写信的结尾,表示真心祝福,此致敬祝的意思呵