everything comes to him who waits什么意思

时间:2024-10-12 14:55:50

1、everything comes to him who waits是俚语,短语是功夫不负有心人。我们分别用2个例子来看怎么使用

everything comes to him who waits什么意思

2、我们来看第一个例子怎么用Does Jack still practice calligraphy everyday?杰克还每天练书法吗?

everything comes to him who waits什么意思

3、Yeah, I think everything comes to him who waits是的,我认为功夫不负有心人

everything comes to him who waits什么意思

4、我们来看第二个例子怎么用Danny,I always tell my students never give up,everything c泠贾高框omes to him who waits我总是告诉我的学生永远不要放弃,功夫不负有心人

everything comes to him who waits什么意思

5、I believe that too我也相信这个说法

everything comes to him who waits什么意思
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