1、charyadj. 小心的,谨慎的,吝啬的例句:The worker was chary about using the new tool ;it might be dangerous .这个工人对于使用新工具比较谨慎;它可能很危险。英文释义:cautious about doing something
2、gasn. 煤气;气体;汽油例句:The chemical plant releases poisonous gas into the air .化工厂释放有毒的气体到空气中。
3、routen. 线路;途径;固定路线例句:The freeway is the quickest route home .高速公路是回家最快的路。英文释义:a way to get from one place to another place
4、disregardv. 不理会,漠视n. 忽视,漠视例句:He continued to listen to music , disregarding the angry lady .他继续听歌,完全不理会这个生气的女士。
5、hesitatev. 犹豫,踌躇,含糊,支吾例句:I hesitated by the signpost , wondering which way to go .我在这个路标前犹豫不决,想知道到底该走哪条路。
6、tacklev. 处理,对付n. 滑车,用短铘辔嗟具例句:The repairman is able to tackle any problems with his tools .这个修理工能用他的工具应付任何问题。英文释义:to make a determined effort to deal with a difficult problem or situation .