3、告诉买家如何留评。首先卖家需要自己把留评步骤梳理一遍,最好分成三步走,能上客户一眼就看到到底怎么做,怎么点击,怎么填写,这里给大家一个参考:1,Sign into your Amazon account and click orders.2,Find your product and write a customer review easily.3,Click “Submit” when you finish writing the customer review.其实亚马逊的买家后台上也是有相应提示,卖家只需要引导买家去到那里就可以了,不需要太复杂,过于复杂反而让客户没有耐心看下去。当然,我们可以把重点的地方标个下划线或者加粗处理,更加突出。但是要注意,不要写留好评,不要写留好评,不要光求好评!
4、上面的话术其实针对的是消费者满意的情况,但是还是要上一层保险,说明一下不满意,有问题及时联系卖家,并且留下卖家的联系方式,比如这里就可以用TrackerM软件生成一个产品二维码,放在售后服务卡上,客户一扫码就可以联系到卖家,不需要下载任何APP或其他操作。极大缩短了沟通的流程,减少了流失。完整模板如下,可以根据自己的产品性质给售后服务卡再设计一个好看的样式:Dear Customer,Thanks for your purchase in our store.As a responsible seller, we always care about shopping experience from our customers, let us hear you and we will do better.Here is how to write a product review easily :1,Sign into your Amazon account and click orders.2,Find your product and write a customer review easily.3,Click “Submit” when you finish writing the customer review.If you encounter any problems, please kindly contact us by scanning the QR code below so we can help you as soon as possible.