SQL Server 如何自动格式化 SQL 语句

时间:2024-10-11 20:04:12

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SQL Server 如何自动格式化 SQL 语句

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SQL Server 如何自动格式化 SQL 语句


SQL Server 如何自动格式化 SQL 语句


SQL Server 如何自动格式化 SQL 语句


SQL Server 如何自动格式化 SQL 语句


SQL Server 如何自动格式化 SQL 语句


SQL Server 如何自动格式化 SQL 语句

8、下面介绍自动格式化的使用,以下面的Sql语句为例,介绍“select b.proj,d.project_name,g.cn锾攒揉敫ame,b.id,b.ht_title,isnull(b.htzje,'0') as htzje,isnull(b.yifk,'0') as yifk,sum(isnull(a.je,'0')) as je,g.id as sort from cnto_fk a left join cnto b on a.pid=b.id left join project_table d on b.proj=d.pc_code left join sys_common g on a.fzno=g.cno and g.ctype='cnto_htlx' where 1=1 and d.project_name is not null and a.title is not null and convert(varchar(10),a.sfkrq,120) between '2015-10-01' and '2015-10-31' group by b.proj,d.project_name,g.cname,b.id,b.ht_title,b.htzje,b.yifk,g.id union select a.project_no as proj,d.project_name,g.cname,'' as id,a.title as ht_title,'0' as htzje,sum(isnull(a.je,'0')) as yifk,sum(isnull(a.je,'0')) as je,g.id as sort from cnto_fk a left join project_table d on a.project_no=d.pc_code left join sys_common g on a.fzno=g.cno and g.ctype='cnto_htlx' where a.fzno='qt' and d.project_name is not null and a.title is not null and convert(varchar(10),a.sfkrq,120) between '2015-10-01' and '2015-10-31' group by a.project_no,d.project_name,g.cname,a.title,g.id order by proj,sort”。点击“新建查询”,打开一个查询编辑窗口,把上面的Sql语句复制粘贴进去,组合快捷键“Ctrl + A”选中这句Sql语句,点击刚才添加在工具栏中的按钮“在编辑器中设计查询”

SQL Server 如何自动格式化 SQL 语句


SQL Server 如何自动格式化 SQL 语句
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