1、作业半径小,可在狭小的区域粝简肯惧内工作,适用于沟槽回填;Operating radius is small, can work in a small area, suitable熠硒勘唏for groove backfill;
2、装备 柴油机,性能,启动容易;With asoline engine or famous diesel engine.superior performance, easy to start;
3、采用液压传动单元,无级变速,前后行走,液压转向;掳姗浚瑙With international famous brand Ph hydraulic drive unitand infin足毂忍珩itely variable speed, walking forward and backward,reversing convenient;
4、发动机电启动,液压振动,操作轻松方便;Electrical startup, hydraulic vibration, easier operation;
5、座椅,调节方便,工作舒适。Luxurious seat, convenient adjustment, and work comfort-ably;
6、采用轴承,机器的工作性能;With international famous NSK bearing ensure the goodperformance of the machine
7、表面喷塑,漂亮美观,防锈耐蚀。Surface spray, beautiful appearance, rust resistant;