
时间:2024-10-12 08:43:50

1、Warm UpAnswer the questionsA long time with no rain has driedthis reservoir in Texas,U.S.A.1. Do you drink a lot of water?Answers will vary.2. How many different ways do you usewater every day? Make a list.(Drinking, cooking, washing, brushingteeth, using the toilet, cleaning, etc.3. How many liters (or gallons) of water doyou use each day?Answers will vary.'


2、ListeningB. Listening for detailsMost plastic bott造婷用痃les finish up in the trash-or in thewater, like in this lake in Romania.a. There are often ( fewer / more )unhealthy chemicals in bottled waterthan in tap water. These chemicalscome from the plasticin the bottles.b. Most bottled wateris ( cleaner thanthe same as/) tap water. Both tapand bottled water come from rivers and(lakes) .c. Bottled water is (expensive than tap water. It costsalmost suth(1 ,000) times more.d. Putting water in bottles( saves /wastes a lot of water. W ater is used tocleanthe bottles.e.( 18 / 80) percent of plastic bottlesgo into the trash. This is very badfor our planet.ListeningB. Listening for detailsMost plastic bottles finish up in the trash-or in thewater, like in this lake in Romania.a. There are often ( fewer / more )unhealthy chemicals in bottled waterthan in tap water. These chemicalscome from the plasticin the bottles.b. Most bottled wateris ( cleaner thanthe same as/) tap water. Both tapand bottled water come from rivers and(lakes) .c. Bottled water is (expensive than tap water. It costsalmost suth(1 ,000) times more.d. Putting water in bottles( saves /wastes a lot of water. W ater is used tocleanthe bottles.e.( 18 / 80) percent of plastic bottlesgo into the trash. This is very badfor our planet.


3、bee酆璁冻嘌f 1hiddenkilogramliter 1raise1. In English, we use d足毂忍珩ifferent words forthe meat of animals, for example, themeat of a pig is pork, and the meatof acow is beef2. If we hide something, we put itsomewhere so that it cannot be seen. So,something that is hiddenis noteasily noticed.3. A kilogram is a metric unit of weightand is equal to 2.2 pounds.4. One gallon is about 3.8 litersiIAmerica.5. Farmers raisesheep for meat,skins, and wool.beef 1hiddenkilogramliter 1raise1. In English, we use different words forthe meat of animals, for example, themeat of a pig is pork, and the meatof acow is beef2. If we hide something, we put itsomewhere so that it cannot be seen. So,something that is hiddenis noteasily noticed.3. A kilogram is a metric unit of weightand is equal to 2.2 pounds.4. One gallon is about 3.8 litersiIAmerica.5. Farmers raisesheep for meat,skins, and wool.


4、Listening 1C. Listening comprehension 2Exercise 2: Listening for details 1Directions:Listen to the recording. Put the items in orderfrom 1 (uses the most water) to 3 (uses the leastwater).A kilogram of:One ...beef2apple1chocolate1rice32Directions:below.To getWater neededa kilogram of24,000 literschocolatea kilogram of beef14000 litersa kilogram of rice !3400 litersa hamburger1279 litersan apple70 litersa slice of bread40 litersListening 1C. Listening comprehension 2Exercise 2: Listening for details 1Directions:Listen to the recording. Put the items in orderfrom 1 (uses the most water) to 3 (uses the leastwater).A kilogram of:One ...beef2apple1chocolate1rice32Directions:below.To getWater neededa kilogram of24,000 literschocolatea kilogram of beef14000 litersa kilogram of rice !3400 litersa hamburger1279 litersan apple70 litersa slice of bread40 liters


5、B. Listening for detailsListen to the recording again. Read the threefacts below. Does the woman know each fact oris surprised by it? Check knows or is surprisedknows /Factssurpriseda. Brazil grows the mostcoffee in the world.surprisedb. People first drank coffeeknowsyin Arabia.surprisedc. To get one cup of coffee,you need 147 liters ofsurprisedwater.Directions:Listen to the recording for a third time. ThenB. Listening for detailsListen to the recording again. Read the threefacts below. Does the woman know each fact oris surprised by it? Check knows or is surprisedknows /Factssurpriseda. Brazil grows the mostcoffee in the world.surprisedb. People first drank coffeeknowsyin Arabia.surprisedc. To get one cup of coffee,you need 147 liters ofsurprisedwater.Directions:Listen to the recording for a third time. Then


6、While You Watchc. Watch the video again(ItLeturns to the sky.)2. What do we use fresh water for?drink(We use it for drinking, cooking,washing, and growing plants, etc.)3. What is one of our most urgentchallenges?(Protecting our water.)While You Watchc. Watch the video again(ItLeturns to the sky.)2. What do we use fresh water for?drink(We use it for drinking, cooking,washing, and growing plants, etc.)3. What is one of our most urgentchallenges?(Protecting our water.)

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