1、首先,你需要准蚩狠希搁备两个西红柿和两个鸡蛋,它们是这道菜的主料。First of all , you need to prepare two tomatoes and two eggs,These are the main ingredient of this dish.
2、然后,去掉西红柿的蒂,并将西红柿切成块。And then, remove the stalk from the tomatoes, cut them into pieces.
3、接下来,打破鸡蛋,搅拌使之均匀。Next , break up eggs,stir and make it mixedevenly.
4、再然后,放些油到锅里,油热后将混合均匀的鸡蛋倒入锅中。After that ,put some oil into the pan ,pour theegg mixture after oilheating-up.
5、完成后,翻炒并用锅铲将鸡蛋吨易坌荐切成碎块。这步完成后,将鸡蛋盛起备用。Later,stir-fry and cut into small pieces by truner.After completion,bring it out and wait us back use.
6、现在我们需要处理西红柿了。放入少量油并将西红柿放入锅中,翻炒。Now we need deal tomatoes .Pour in a little oil and put tomatoes into the pan,cook it.
7、等我们看到西红柿变软后,切换成小火,加入适量的盐和白糖,持续翻炒。When we see tomatoes getting soft , change it into a s罪焐芡拂mall fire , add proper salts and sugars,continue cooking.
8、最后,将盛好的鸡蛋混入西红柿中,搅拌均匀后关火。一道美味的菜肴已经完成。Last ,mix eggs with tomatoesuniformity , turn off the fire.adelicious dish was finished .
9、接下来享受你的成果吧。Enjoy your food now .