如何执行消防中断程序 Fire Impairment

时间:2024-10-13 15:04:32

1、Contact the Facilities manager or the facilities responsible who is familiar with the Fire Systems. He will schedule the impairment complete the required notifications and place the Fire Protection Impairment Tag.With the exception of an emergency impairment where physical damage is occurring or a hazardous situation exists, The Fire Protection Impairment Permit Must be signed and be in place, prior to the system impairment.联系设施经理或熟悉消防系统的设施负责人。他会安排中断时间和完成要求的通知以及放置消防中断标签除了机械破坏或危险状况存在等导致的紧急中断以外,其它情况必须在消防中断之前签署和放置消防中断许可证

如何执行消防中断程序 Fire Impairment

2、In addition the Facilities responsible shall notify the proper personnel:另外,设施负责人通知相关的人员:• Fire Bureau: Notification of the public fire department will allow them to adjust any pre-fire planning if necessary.消防局: 通知消防局可以让他们调整预消防灭火计划,如有必要。• Proper plant personnel: Alert the building emergency organization (building supervisor), the EHS supervisor and Security, so that necessary preplanning can take place.相关的厂内人员:警示车间紧急应变组织(车间主管),EHS主管和保安,以便他们做些必要的预先计划。• Select, delegate, and instruct a responsible person to reopen valves or enable systems in case of fire.挑选,委派和指导一个有责任心的员人,一旦发生火灾时,重启阀门或使消防系统重新运作

如何执行消防中断程序 Fire Impairment

3、Suspend hazardous operations in the effected area including:在受影响的区域暂停的危险作业包括:• Hot work 动火作业• Handling of Flammable liquids 处理易燃液体• Notify outside contractors to suspend hazardous operations 通知外来供应商暂停危险作业

4、Increase fire protection and monitoring when necessary:必要时增加消防和监控:• Establish a fire watch 安排一名监火人员• Obtain additional fire extinguishers 备存额外的灭火器• Charge fire hoses 管理消防水带

如何执行消防中断程序 Fire Impairment

5、Expedite Work, in order to restore all impaired systems as quickly as possible. Do not leave protection out of service any longer than necessary.为了尽可能快地恢复所有的中断系统,加快工作。不要让任何消防系统暂停运行的时间超过所必需的时间• Return fire protection systems to service将所有的消防系统返回服务状态• Open and lock sprinkler system and water supply control valves, and perform main drain tests 打开和锁闭喷淋系统和供水控制阀,执行主要的排水测试• Confirm that all components of other fire protection systems are operational确认其它消防系统的所有组件都在运行中• Secure all fire protection control and alarm panels确保全部的消防控制和警报信号板都运行稳妥• Remove and account for all red tags 移除和清点所有的红标签• Verify that all alarms are in-service 核实所有警报器都在服务状态• Notify Fire Bureau of fire protection restoration将消防系统复位情况通知消防局

如何执行消防中断程序 Fire Impairment
如何执行消防中断程序 Fire Impairment
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