
时间:2024-10-12 05:20:32

1、【 deep-frying 】v. 油炸烹调(deep-fry的ing形式)This cuisine stresses frying, deep-frying, roasting and braising. 这个流派对炒、炸、烤、炖都非常重视,。as for cooking, frying with a small amount of oil, deep-frying, and baking seem to be used more while boiling and steaming used less. 此外,在烹调方式方面,煎,炸, 烤的比例上升,煮,蒸的比例下降。


2、【 stewing 】美:['stjuɪŋ] 英:[stjuːɪŋ]n. 炖;蒸煮n. (Stewing)人名;(德)施特温v. 蒸煮(stew的ing形式)A metal pot, usually with a lid, for boiling or stewing. 水壶一种金属的壶,常有盖子,用于烧水或炖东西。leaf stewing. 泡茶, 沏茶。


3、【 boiling 】美:['bɔɪlɪŋ] 英:['bɒɪlɪŋ]n. 沸腾;煮沸;起泡adj. 词琚瑙毹沸腾的;激昂的adv. 沸腾Everyone crowded around a huge cauldron of boiling sap. 大家都围挤在一个熬枫浆的大锅旁。Although I was boiling inside, in public I defended the new structure. 虽然我内心充满愤怒,在公开场合,我还是维护这个新组织机构。


4、【 smoking 】美:['smokɪŋ] 英:['sməʊkɪŋ]n. 抽烟;冒气v. 吸烟;冒烟(smoke的现在分词)熏adj. 准许吸烟的adv. 冒着烟Does smoking contribute to lung cancer? 吸烟会导致肺癌吗?。A man next to me was smokingand smoke really bothers me. 我旁边的那个人抽烟,我受不了。


5、【 pickling 】美:['pɪkl] 英:['pɪk(ə)lɪŋ]n. 酸洗;浸酸The waste stream from the pickling line will contain a total chloride content of approximately 7000 mg/l. 从酸洗线出来的废液含有总氯化物约7000毫克/升。vegetable pickling and curing. 蔬菜腌制。


6、【 slicing 】美:['slaisiŋ] 英:['slaisiŋ]n. 切断,切片;限制,[电子] 限幅Eyelid slicing operation. 双眼皮手术。The dust produced during slicing weighs almost as much as the wafers. 在切割时所产生的碎屑几乎和薄片一样重。


7、【 dicing 】美:['daisiŋ] 英:['daisiŋ]n. 掷骰子;菱形装饰;有菱形装饰之皮革v. 将…切成丁;赌输(dice的ing形式)dicing machine, industrial, for food. 食品切块机,工业用。We are dicing for drinks. 我们在掷骰子赌喝酒。


8、【 grinding 】美:[&#补朱锚卦39;ɡraɪndɪŋ] 英:['graɪndɪŋ]adj. 嗳厂葺污磨的;刺耳的;令人难以忍受的n. (Grinding)人名;(瑞典)格林丁The side of the boat hit the quay with a grinding jar. 船舷撞到码头发出刺耳的声音.。I would stand and watch the two white men grinding lenses on the machines. 我站着看那两个白人在磨床上磨镜片。


9、【 shelling 】美:['ʃɛlɪŋ] 英:['ʃeliŋ]n. 去皮;去壳v. 剥去…的外壳;向…开枪;脱落(shell的ing形式)They cracked the nuts and removed their shells...他们砸开坚果,剥去硬壳。


10、【 boning 】美:['bəuniŋ] 英:['bəuniŋ]n. 去骨;施骨肥;测平法n. (Boning)人名;(德)博宁v. 剔去…的骨;施骨肥于(bone的ing形式)He's boning up on English. 他在突击学习英语。Make sure that you do not pierce the skin whenboningthe chicken thighs...剔鸡腿骨时切勿戳破外面的皮。

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