1、Pistols & Revolvers (手枪及左轮)De Da. – Law :瞄准时减少后座力并提升100%准确度Havin' a tea Partay drinkin' mah Teeea! – Teapot :瞄准状态下,绿色腐蚀伤害会传给附近的敌人,且会一次射出两发子弹。I am free now .:一次射出两发子弹,爆击伤害提高。Did I fire six shots, or only five? Three? Seven. Whatever. – Unkempt Harold :射出三颗子弹,每颗会分裂成数颗横向排列的小飞弹。
2、Shotguns (散弹枪)Because one barrel aint enough and two is too few. – Thre Dog : 3管散弹枪,它有三根枪管。Good things kill in threes .:每发耗3颗子弹,极高伤害,发射大量小散弹,弹痕呈Y字型。I don't want to set the world on fire... – Miss Moxxi's Heart Breaker :火焰伤害,+50%爆击伤害.蛋痕呈心型.此外,装备时你造成的任何元素伤害都会治疗你。I like being a gun. – Asset Shotgun 1340 :会说话.Let's just ping everyone at once . – Conference Call :散弹量少,高伤害,飞行速度超快,子弹会弹跳。
3、Combat Rifles(战斗步枪)I want that gun, daddy! – Feral Veruc :瞄准时准确率大幅提高。Gar! Gorarr!! My dad's a scientist! GWARRRR!!!! :未确认,可能是子弹同时附不同随机元素效果。Say not in grief: "He is no more," but live in thankfulness that he was. – Scorpio :随机元素效果,开火时偶尔会射出额外子弹,依然耗费弹药。Evil will be SMASHED!!! WITH SMASHING!!! EVIL!!! SMASH!!! ER!!!飞行速度极快的爆炸子弹。装弹时有机率触发特效,变成3倍装弹量,且提高伤害及射速,触发后会到你换枪时才会中止效果。What play thing can you offer me today? – Bullet Hail :弹道朝上45度角射出,最短会在30公尺后落地(除非你朝地版射),飞行一段距离后子弹会分裂成两颗小子弹,如果飞行距离够长还会再分裂,呈散花式落下。Oh sorry. Was that your head? :高爆击伤害
4、Sniper Rifles (狙击来福)Bison Bison had had had had had Bison Bison Bison shi shi shi – Chikamin Buffalo :高伤害,高准确率,瞄准时晃镜程度低,但开火速度慢,且没有狙击镜。I can see my house from here. : Fremington's Edge :提升狙击镜放大倍率。I infrequently perish .:无视护盾效果。Yeah, booze'll do that to ya... :子弹飞行速度变慢,但是是散弹。Mainstream'd! – Pitchfork :一次发5发横向排列的子弹。Pele humbly requests a sacrifice, if it's not too much trouble . – Volcano :高机率触发火焰效果,并会四散到附近的敌人身上。A Rose by another name .:随机间隔时间说一些垃圾话,而且每次装弹与爆击时一定会讲话,很吵。Je suis enchante, Ou est l e bibliotheque? :射出治疗光线。