
时间:2024-10-26 04:53:48

1、Ex Works(ex factory,ex mill,eX plantation,ex warehouse,etc),即工厂交货;

2、FOR(free on rail)…(named departure Point)FOT(free on truck)…(named departurePoint),即铁路交货/火车上交货;

3、Free…(named Port of shipment),即装运港港口交货;

4、FAS(free alongside ship)…(named Port of shipment),即装运港船边交货;

5、FOB(Free on board)…(named Port of shipment),即装运港船上交货;

6、C&F (cost and freight)…(named Port ofdestination)即成本加运费;

7、CIF(cost,insurance,freight)…(named Port of destination),即成本、保险费加运费;

8、Freight or Carriage paid to…(named Port of destination),即运费付至;

9、Free or Free Delivered…(named Port of destination);

10、EX Ship…(named Port),即到货港船上交货;

11、Ex Quay…(named Port),即到货港码头交货。

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