1、Why Passion is Important at Work?Passion helps intensifying focus and excellence.为什么激情在工作中很重要?激情有助于强化专注和卓越.Passion is a state of mind. When you are passionate about a job, you become more focused and always put your best step forward which leads to excellence.激情是一种精神状态。当你对一份工作充满激情的时候,你就会变得更加专注,并且总是把最好的一步推进到卓越。
2、Passion enables creativity and innovation.激情能激发创造力和创新.Doing a work that you enjoy helps enhancing your mental state and hence you are more innovative as compared to doing a job which seems dull and boring.做一件你喜欢的工作有助于提高你的精神状态,因此比起做一份枯燥乏味的工作,你更有创造力。
3、Passionate people are more motivated and increase contribution.热情的人更有动力,也会增加贡献.You are willing to put not only 100% but even 200% of your efforts as you want to complete it with ‘ great precision’ but also with ‘complete precision’.你不仅愿意付出100%甚至200%的努力来完成它,而且要“精确性”,而且“及时性”。
4、Passion brings energy at work and improve work environment激情在工作中带来能量,改善工作环境You wake up in the morning realizing you are going to spend your entire day doing what you like, you feel more energized and refreshed. At the workplace, you work with full energy to get it done in time even delivering it ahead of schedule. Your energy turns into ‘positive energy’ and lasts even when the day ends up. This brings positivity and pleasantness within the entire environment.早晨醒来,你意识到你要花一整天的时间做你喜欢的事情,你会感到精力充沛、心情舒畅。在工作场合,你精力充沛地工作,按时完成任务,甚至提前完成任务。你的能量转化为“正能量”,即使在一天结束的时候也能持续。这在整个环境中带来了积极和愉快。
5、Passion ignites your achievements graph.激情点燃你的成就.Passionate people embrace the fa艘早祓胂ct (and it is a fact) that the only way to get to where they want to go is to try and keep on trying and make things happen, taking measurable risks and managing a healthy level of ‘survival mode’ (opposite to comfort zone) to get hungry for more. There is no better feeling than achieving your goals for doing something that you love.充满激情的人胸怀现实(这是事实),他们去想去的地方的唯一方式是试着继续努力,让事情发生.他们宁愿承担一定的风险并保持健康的管理水平以追求更多。做自己喜欢的事情,没有比实现你的目标更好的感觉了。
6、Passion helps build a positive attitude towards work.激情有助于树立积极的工作态度.When you do work which you like and hold a positive attitude towards it, it can make you go beyond what is actually needed of you.当你做你喜欢的工作并对它持积极态度时,它能让你超越实际需要的东西。
7、Passionate people are more satisfy and feel less stress at work.热情的人在工作中更容易满足,更少的压力.When you do work which you like, not only your mind but even your entire body feels relaxed, the entire experience becomes more enjoyable.当你做你喜欢的工作时,不仅是你的思想,甚至你的整个身体都感到放松,整个体验变得更加令人愉快。