1、首先是与卫生间有关词语,i need to scrub around the drain/showerheadi need to clean /scrub the toilet.i need to use a scrub brush.pour the solution(洁厕液) in the toilet bowl.
2、与洗衣有关的词语, there is laundry in the hamper(装脏衣服的袋子) or laundry basket。i need to loa颊俄岿髭d the laundry into the washing machine。i need to unload the washing machine。i need to hang my clothes on a clothes line.
3、与厨房有关的词语,who prepares the meals?i need to go grocery shopping。i need to wipe down the kitchen counter。i need to wash dishes, i can use a steel wool or a rag。
4、与打扫有关的词语,i need to use a broom to sweep the floor。i need to mop with a mop。i need to dust the knichnacks with a duster。
5、与浇花与整理有关的词语,dont forget to water the plant。i need to clean up or tidy up。And he never had time totidyup.