so that用法

时间:2024-10-25 08:04:44

1、"so that" 是一个连词,常用来表示目的或结果。在句子中,"so that" 后面通常接一个结果状语从句。例如:She turned up the volume on the radio so that she could hear it better. (她把收音机的音量调大,以便能更好地听到。)I'm saving up money so that I can go on a trip next year. (我正在存钱,以便明年能去旅行。)"so that" 还可以用来表示条件,表示"只要"的意思。例如:I'll do it for you so that you can relax. (我会为你做这件事,以便你能放松。)She takes her umbrella everywhere she goes so that she won't get wet. (她带着雨伞到哪里都去,以免淋湿。)注意,"so that" 不能用来表示原因。如果要表示原因,应该使用 "because"。例如:I'm tired because I stayed up late last night. (我因为昨晚睡得晚而累。)

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