
时间:2024-10-12 11:36:05

1、一、问候1、您好。Hello2、早上好、下午好、晚上好。 Good morning ! Good afternoon ! Good evening!3、欢迎光临。 Welcome to come here4、很高兴为您服务。 I’m very happy to service for you5、再见,欢迎您下次再来。 Goodbye , welcome to come here again.6、祝您一路顺风。 I hope you have a good trip .7. 明天见。See you tomorrow.

2、二、指路1、我想去XX地方怎么走?请您沿道路前行500米。 How can I get to the X ? please go straight this road for about five hundred meters.2、我想找个车位停车?请您前方右(左)转到下一层车库停车。 I want to find a parking space , please go straight and turn right (left) to go to the downstairs3、请您使用X号电梯便可到达。 You can take the elevator X to reach that place.4、我怎么才能出去?请您从X出口沿楼梯上行即可到达。 How can I go outside? Please go to the exit X and go upstairs .5、今天的演出内容是XX,在XX号演出场馆。 Today’s performance is XX ,

3、三、时间1、请问现在几点了?上午10点。 What’s the time, please? Ten a.m2、演出什么时间开始,45分种后演出开始。 When will the performance begin? It will begin in 45 minutes3、我停车用了多长时间?您停车用了1个半小时。 How long of my car parking ? you take one and a half hour4、今天是星期几?今天是星期二。 What day is it today ? It’s Tuesday today.5、今天是春节,祝您新年快乐。 It’s spring festival today, happy new year!

4、四、天气1、外面下雨了,如果您需要用雨具请到服务台登记领取。 It’s raining outside, if you need raincoats or umbrellas, register at the free help desk2、今天天气不错。 It’s a fine day today3、外面雪天路滑请小心驾驶车辆 It’s slippery outside, please take care of driving.

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