1、1.1 - World Map世界地图· The world map allows you to navigate the various worldsand shows your progress through the campaign.跟着世界地图的导航,循序渐进,由简入繁,不断进步。· A: Displays your progress through each world and howmany levels you have completed under budget. A显示符合预算的项目及其进度。· B: The scooter indicates your current level. B摩托车走到哪儿,哪儿就是我的家。
2、· C: A yellow square indicates a level completedover-budget C黄色方格表示项目超出预算。· D: A green square indicates a level completedunder-budget. D绿色方格表示项目完成符合预算。· E: You may replay the tutorial if you need arefresher. E重播教程,温故而知新。· F: Return to the main menu. F回到主目录。
3、1.2 - Level Menu 项目菜单Load: Browse and loadpreviously saved bridges.加载:浏览加载旧档。Save: Save your bridge. 保存。Feedback: See 10 - Feedback/Bug Reports. 反馈。Options: See 2 - Options. 选项。Exit: Returns you to the WorldMap. 退出。
4、2 - Controls 操作1.2.1 - Mouse 鼠标Left Click: Select orDraw.左键选择拖动Right Click: Deselectcurrent material or Delete with click-and-drag.右键取消选择或者点击并拖动进行删除。Double Click: Changes ajoint to a split-joint, or vice-versa.双击加入结合点,再次双击取消。Wheel: Zoom in or out.鼠标滚轮缩放界面。Middle Click: Brings upthe tool wheel.中键弹出工具菜单。
5、2.2 - Keyboard 键盘Space: Run simulation. 空格键运行运动仿真。ShiftClick: Click-and-drag a joint to adjust its location*. Pans the camerawhile in 3D.Shift+单击:选择并拖动调整关节点;3D状态时,按住Shift拖动调整视角。Alt Click: Create orremove a split joint. Alt +单击:创建或者删除一个结合点。(无效)Ctrl: Delete modifier,click-and-drag.Ctrl+框选:Ctrl+框选,可以选择批量删除或者复制或者剪切。
6、J: While hovering over ajoint, pressing J changes a joint to a split-joint, or vice-versa.等同于鼠标双击。P: Pauses/Unpauses theSimulation. P:运动仿真暂停。T: Brings up the ToolWheel. T:弹出工具菜单等同于鼠标中键。Z: Undoes last action.Repeatable. Z:撤消上次操作。1: Selects road. 1选择铺路2: Selects wood. 2选择木材3: Selects steel. 3选择钢铁4: Selects hydraulics. 4选择液压工具5: Selects cable. 5选择钢缆6: Selects suspension. 6选择悬索桥