星界边境NPC入住条件 房客系统图文详解

时间:2024-10-12 03:06:29

1、民地系统允许我们在星球上建立自己的村落并招募NPC,游戏中的NPC房客入住条件各有不同,那么一起来看看吧。殖民地NPC房客系统图文详解:房客系统解析:Tenants are NPCs that are spawned with Colony Deeds. They are part of the colony system described here.房客指的是玩家通过殖民地契约生成的NPC。Tenants pay various types of rent to the player after a certain time period. Rent must be gathered from the Colony Deed.每隔一定时间段房客就会付给玩家房租。房租种类各异,且必须通过殖民地契约获得。(译者注:当契约出现礼物图标是对着它按E)Tenants are able to toggle wiring switches and use teleporters to beam a few meters away.房客懂得如何拨动线路开关,并且能够使用传送器将自己传送到数米开外。Colony tags can be seen at the bottom of each object's wiki page, and all of them can be seen here.你可以在每件物品的wiki页面底部查看它所属的殖民地标签。

星界边境NPC入住条件 房客系统图文详解

2、可招募的房客In order for a tenant to spawn there must be a floor, outer walls, and a background wall for the entire structure. On player ships the ship windows are acceptable background walls. Doors count as valid walls, so you can have tenants separated by only doors.房客只能生成在一个有地板,外墙和背景墙的整体(封闭)结构内。比如玩家飞船上的窗户就是可接受的背景墙(译者:飞船哪来的窗玻璃?不是空的吗?)。门被算作实体墙,你只能通过门将房客的领地隔开。After those requirements are met the tenant type depends on the following objects placed. If the objects placed in a structure meet the requirements for more than one tenant type, then the tenant with a highest priority number will spawn.满足了上述条件之后,通过放置下列物品可以决定生成的房客种类。当房间里放置的物品满足生成多种房客的条件时,优先级较高的房客将会生成。Notes注意事项The percentages in the Rent column are the rough chances of getting that item. The player will only get 1 type of reward each rent cycle.房租一栏里的百分比数指获得该种租金的大致概率。玩家一次只能获得一种租金奖励。"Rent Timeframe" is the minumum to maximum time the tenant will have rent available.“领租周期表”里标注的是获得下一次租金所需时间的最小值和最大值。Rent does not stack if not collected for a long period of time.长时间不领取的话租金不会累积叠加。Once rent is available, the rent timer does not start again until it is collected.当可以领取租金时,距离下次领租的倒计时即停止,直到你领取了租金它才会再次开始倒计时。All tenants currently require 1 Light and 1 Door.

3、生成任何房客都至少要有一扇门和一个光源The number in () is how many of game boxes are required to be objects of that type in the tenant's housing. A box is the size of 1 tile, and can be seen by going into debug mode and typing /boxes.()里的数字代表召唤房客时屋里特定种类物品所需的占格数。一格就是一个方块的大小。具体多大玩家可以通过在调试模式(输入/debug开启)下输入/boxes查看。

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