HP 840 850G1笔记本如何解决睡眠唤醒后蓝屏

时间:2024-10-12 17:16:53

1、HP EliteBook 840/850 G1笔记本win8.1系统中,从睡眠唤醒之后蓝屏,

HP 840 850G1笔记本如何解决睡眠唤醒后蓝屏

2、蓝屏的时候并伴有如下报错Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We're just colle艘早祓胂cting some info, and then we'll restart for you. If you'd like to know more, you can search online later for this error: VIDEO_DXGKRNL_FATAL_ERROR应该如何来解决这个问题呢?

HP 840 850G1笔记本如何解决睡眠唤醒后蓝屏

3、解决方案遇到此问题请更新HP官网的显卡驱动Intel :/sp68390.exe AMD:/sp68107.exe

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