
时间:2024-10-17 09:02:41

1、“wordbook”是一个名词,意思是一本词汇书。这本词汇书指通常用于学习语言或者提高词汇量。例如:词汇书常用来学习语言,帮助人们提高词汇量。“Wordbook is often used to learn languages to help people improve their vocabulary.”

2、“wordbook”可以用来存储词汇的定义、例句、发音等信息。它可以指纸质的书籍,也可以是电子的词典。例如:电子词典常用来检查拼写,帮助人们确保自己写的单词是正确的。“Wordbook is often used to check spelling to help people make sure that they write the correct words.”

3、“wordbook” 也可以指一本用来记录个人词汇的本子。这种记录个人词汇的本子通常是手写的,用来记录个人学习过的单词和词组。例如:这本记录个人词汇的书常用来记录个人词汇,晷月水净帮助人们查找和检查自己学过的单词。“Wordbook is often used to record personal vocabulary and help people find and check the words they have learned.”

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