解读有趣的小故事:Where Is Mrs Zimmer

时间:2024-10-14 08:19:39

1、reading(读)Listen to your teacher read the story. Look at the pictures.听你的老师读故事。 看唁昼囫缍这些图片。Listen to your teacher read the story again.Look at the words. Read the story.再听老师读故事。看这些字。 读故事。①Mr. and Mrs. Zimmer and in a van with their three children.齐默先生和夫人以及他们的三个孩子乘坐一辆面包车。②They are driving from California to Oregon.他们开车从加利福尼亚到俄勒冈州。③It is late at night.天色很晚。

解读有趣的小故事:Where Is Mrs Zimmer

2、④Mr. Zimmer is in the front seat. He is driving the van.齐默先生在前座。他在开面包车。⑤Mrs. zimm髫潋啜缅er and children are in the back seats. They are sleeping.齐默太太和孩子在后座。他们正在睡觉。⑥Mr. Zimmer is hungry. he stops at a fast-food restaurant.齐默先生饿了。他将车停在一个快餐店。⑦He goes into the restaurant.他进入餐厅。⑧Mrs. Zimmer wakes up. She is hungry,too.齐默太太醒来。她也饿了。⑨She goes into the restaurant.她进入餐厅。

解读有趣的小故事:Where Is Mrs Zimmer

3、⑩Mrs. Zimmer walks into the restaurant. Mr. Zimmer walks out of the restaurant. Mr. Zimmer doesn't see his wife.齐默太太走进餐厅。 齐默尔先生走出餐厅。 齐默尔先生没有看到他的妻子。⑪Mr. Zimmer drives away in the van.齐默尔先生开车离开了。⑫He drives all night.他开了一整夜的车。

解读有趣的小故事:Where Is Mrs Zimmer

4、⑬In the morning,Mr. Zimmer and the children are in Oregon.在早上,齐默尔先生和孩子们在俄勒冈州。⑭They get out of the van.他们离开了面包车。⑮"Where's your mom?”Mr. Zimmer asks the children. "We don't know," the children say.“你妈妈在哪里?”齐默先生问孩子们。“我们不知道,”孩子们说。⑯Where is Mrs. Zimmer?齐默太太在哪里?⑰She is at the restaurant in California!她在加州的餐厅!

解读有趣的小故事:Where Is Mrs Zimmer

5、Homework 回家作业:Read the story again.再次阅读故事。Where Is Mrs. zimmer?齐默太太在哪里?

解读有趣的小故事:Where Is Mrs Zimmer

6、然后,对照着短文,回答以下问题是或否。comprehension(理解)Cir罕铞泱殳cle YES or NO.(圈是和否)①Mr. and Mrs. Zimmer are in a van with children.齐默先生和夫人以及小孩在一辆面包车上。YES②Mr. Zimmer is driving the van.齐默尔先生正在开车。YES③The children are in the front seat.孩子们在前排座位。NO④They are going to Oregon.他们要去俄勒冈州。YES⑤It is late in the afternoon.下午晚些时候。NO⑥Mr. Zimmer stops at a restaurant.齐默先生停在一家餐馆。YES⑦He stops because he is tired.他因为累了而停。NO⑧Mrs. Zimmer goes into the restaurant ,too.齐默夫人也进了餐厅。YES⑨Mr. zimmer sees his wife in the restaurant.齐默在餐厅看见他的妻子。NO⑩Mr. Zimmer drives away.齐默先生开车离开了。YES⑪In the morning, Mr. Zimmer is in Oregon.在早上,齐默先生是在俄勒冈州。YES⑫Mrs. Zimmer is at the restaurant in California.齐默夫人在加利福尼亚州的餐厅。YES

解读有趣的小故事:Where Is Mrs Zimmer

7、WRITING写作Copy your YES sentences.复制你的YES句子。Mr. and Mrs. Zimmer are in a van with children.Mr. Zimmer is driving the van.They are going to Oregon.Mr. Zimmer stops at a restaurant.Mrs. Zimmer goes into the restaurant ,too.Mr. Zimmer drives away.In the morning, Mr. Zimmer is in Oregon.Mrs. Zimmer is at the restaurant in California.

解读有趣的小故事:Where Is Mrs Zimmer

8、生词表:Mr. 先生Mrs.女士Miss 小姐you are late 你迟到了fast 快+food 食品 = fast-food 快餐+restaurant 饭店=快餐店go 去 goes 第三人称单数into 进入Wake up 醒了mother 母亲mum/mom 妈妈one person 一个人two people 两个人句型(两者相同,原型前面要加to):We all like eating fish.We all like to ear fish.

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