工程与物理科学院系(Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences )
化学工程与分析科学学院 School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science
化学学院 School of Chemistry
计算机科学学院 School of Computer Science
地球、大气与环境科学学院 School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
电气与电子工程学院 School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
材料学院 School of Materials
数学学院 School of Mathematics
机械、航空航天及土木工程学院 School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
物理与天文学学院 School of Physics and Astronomy
人文院系(Faculty of Humanities)
艺术、语言与文化学院 School of Arts, Languages and Cultures
环境、教育与发展学院 School of Environment, Education and Development
法学院 School of Law
曼彻斯特商学院 Manchester Business School
社会科学学院 School of Social Sciences
生命科学院系(Faculty of Life Sciences)
医学与人类科学院系(Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences)
牙医学院 School of Dentistry
曼彻斯特医学院 Manchester Medical School
护理、助产和社会工作学院 School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work
曼彻斯特药学院 Manchester Pharmacy School
心理科学学院 School of Psychological Sciences
大脑、行为和精神卫生研究所 Institute of Brain, Behaviour and Mental Health
癌症研究所 Institute of Cancer Sciences
心血管科学研究所 Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences
人类发展研究所 Institute of Human Development
炎症与修复研究所 Institute of Inflammation and Repair
人口健康研究所 Institute of Population Health