绝地求生We are very sorry that this crash

时间:2024-10-11 21:59:28

1、We are very sorry that this crash occurred. Please help us track down and fix this crash by providing detailed information about this大致意思为很抱歉这次出现了事故导致游戏崩溃,请提供详细的信息,以供我们修复,那么出现这种问题应该怎么解决呢?其实很多时候是因为我们的网络或者游戏不完整所导致的,下面我来带领大家一步一步的修复。

绝地求生We are very sorry that this crash


绝地求生We are very sorry that this crash
绝地求生We are very sorry that this crash


绝地求生We are very sorry that this crash
绝地求生We are very sorry that this crash

4、然后我们输入“netsh winsock reset”输入完毕后我们不要重启;详情参考下图

绝地求生We are very sorry that this crash
绝地求生We are very sorry that this crash


绝地求生We are very sorry that this crash


绝地求生We are very sorry that this crash
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