
时间:2024-10-21 07:10:50

1、介绍新朋友介绍新老朋友认识的时候,可以把他们联系起来,例如“George, I would like you to meet Mary. She recently moved here from Washington, DC. Mary, George went to college at American University. Isn't that right up the street from your parents' house?”这样有利于大家打开话匣子,让对话进行下去。




3、什献垴淄睬么是得体的聊天话题好不容易聊上了,聊什么是合适的呢?how you know the host, something someone is we锾攒揉敫aring that is unique (e.g. a piece of jewelry - this could lead to a vacation story about the place from which the piece was purchased), the delicious food, an upcoming event (e.g. What are you going to do for the 4th of July?), what do you do for living, what do they do for living, and more.实在不知道聊什么就提问题。但是,以下话题是禁忌:health, diets, money, religion, politics, sex, racist remarks, sexist remarks,如果不知道某个话题是否得体,就干脆别说。


4、聊够了如何闪人当你发现和你谈话的人很无趣,你想结束这段谈话,如何礼貌的闪人呢?如果你和多人谈话,可以借口要找人离开:"It's been wonderful talking with you. I am going to excuse myself to (a) find my husband/wife/colleague”.或者说自己还没来得及和party的主人打招呼:“I have not had the opportunity yet to thank him/her for having me”。如果你碰巧看到熟人,可以问他是否看到了你的另外一个朋友,然后说正好一起过去打个招呼神马的。。。。总之,熟能生巧,多练习,勤实践,大家都会变身英文社交达人。其实并不需要多么高深的语言呢~

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