
时间:2025-01-04 18:49:55

1、1:你的手机的IMEI号码,这个应该都知道吧?*#06# 就可以看到

2、一个英国vodafone的手机号码11位的 不需要是ip4签约时的号码 我写的是一个0795开头的号码 是用Google搜索得来的 有一定的英语基础就可以 比如搜索uk VODAFONE tel VODAFONE Mobile number UK0795 vodafone0795 等等等 很多结果中都有号码 随便找个来就OK了。。。不管你通过什么途径 反正找来一个英国沃达丰的号码就行了 差不多就行了

3、一个邮箱 QQ邮箱都行 我就用的QQ邮箱



5、淡定的等待英国vodafone给的时间Nokia – 2 working daysBB - 5 working daysSamsung – 16 working daysAll other brands – 3 working days 苹果3个工作日之内 你就淡定的等待4-5天吧 毕竟我们和英国有时差的反正成不成他都会给你回个邮件的 反正在我看来沃达丰的政策还是很宽松的。。。最后把整个解锁过程中沃达丰给我发的全部邮件发上来

6、第一封:Thank you for your mail regarding your Network Unlocking Code. We will endeavour to respond to you within our specified Service Levels below.Escalations regarding previous queries will always be given a higher priority and resolved at the earliest opportunity.Nokia – 2 working daysBB - 5 working daysSamsung – 16 working daysAll other brands – 3 working daysKind RegardsNUC Resolutions TeamCustomer Service Support at StokeE-mail: Vodafone LimitedRegistered Office: Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2FN Registered in England no. 1471587

7、第二封:Dear Customer,Thank you for your e-mail.I have submitted a request for generating Number Unlocking Code & the reference number of your request is 26***.Once we receive the Number unlocking code of your handset, we will send you the NUC code and the procedure to unlock your handset.Kind regards,Mitva ShahNUC Resolutions–Original Message–From: 330*****Date: 7/21/2011 1:24:23 PMTo: Subject: Unlock Code Request FormPersonal DetailsTitle: MrName: Shangwen YanEmail: 330******@qq.comPhone DetailsMobile number: 079505***05Phone Make: AppleModel: iphone4IMEI Number: 0125**************令人激动的第三封:

8、Dear Customer,Reference number: 26***1Mobile number: 079505***05IMEI numbers: 0125******************The iPhone has now been unlocked – Please replace the SIM (use a SIM which has never beenused with this iPhone) and connect to iTunes or perform a software restore via iTunes.Regards,Abhishek N ShresthaNUC Resolutions

9、刷机成功后发现拿掉卡贴还是不能读信号 别慌 连接ITUNES 刷一次机就可以解锁了 恢复也可以 不过要设置为新的IPHONE !已经官方解锁的手机,升级系统后仍然是解锁状态!!也就是不管是以后的5.0 还是4.3.5什么的 都解锁了 不再考虑基带问题了!

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