
时间:2024-10-14 00:41:26

1、非正式发明专利附图:包括手绘图,铅笔绘图,拍照,相片复印件和手写字母数字的绘图。美国专利商标局审查意见:“All sheet must be reasonalbly free from cracks, creases, and folds. Each sheet must be reasonably free from erasures and must be free from alterations, overwritings, and interlinations”.-补救方法,标准化附图。这就涉及到非正式附图,可以使用CAD软件绘图以达到美国专利商标局的标准,一位绘图员能够提高附图质量。

2、发明专利附图线性较差:美国专利商标局审查意见:“The line quality is objected to as it is rough, uneven, and poorly defined.”补救方法,加重线条,加粗字号。“All drawings must be made by a process which will give them satisfactory reproduction characteristics. Every line, number and letter must be durable , clean black(except for color drawings), sufficiently dense and dark and uniformly thick and well-defined. The weight of all lines and letters must be heavy enough to permit adequate reproduction”.


4、外观专利:审查趋濞曛逖员认为图稿表达不全发明点不清:美国专利商标局审查意见;“The claim is rejected under 35 U.S.C. 112, first and s髫潋啜缅econd pragraphs, as the claimed invention is not described in such full, clear, concise and exact terms as to enable any person skilled in the art to make and use the same, and fails to particularly point out and distinctly claim the subject matter which applicant regards as the invention. The claim is indfinite and nonenabling ”补救方法:修改可能增加新内容(new matter),然而你可以将这些区域整合成虚线来克服审查意见。但是虚线部分如果是发明点,则丧失了保护。为了避免,务必保证所有特征在图稿中有所体现。

5、外观专利绘图不左佯抵盗合理没有阴影美国专利商标局审查意见;“It may be necessary to shade th髫潋啜缅e figures to show clearly the character and contour of all surfaces of any 3-dimensional aspects of the design. Surface shading is also necessary to distinguish between any open and solid areas of the article. Lack of appropriate surface shading in the drawing as filed may render the design nonenabling and indefinite under 35 U.S.C. 112, first and second paragraphs ”补救方法:整合成虚线,但是有情况是,如果将结构整合成虚线,那么产品结构很可能也丧失了保护。为了避免这种情况出现,在申请递交时,请采用阴影绘图,体现平面和立体面。如果没有阴影,那么产品的凹凸会被视为平面结构,也有可能要求不到优先权,也有可能与优先权形成对抗。

6、外观专利绘图 虚线不合理地使用美国专利商标局审查意见;“broken lines are not permitted for the purpose of indicating that a portion of an article is of less importance in the design. , 374 F.2d 904, 153 USPQ 177 (CCPA 1967). Broken lines may not be used to show hidden planes and surfaces which cannot be seen through opaque materials” .解释:虚线不可以用来显示隐藏的结构和那些看不见的表面。

7、外观专利绘图 用照片和线条结合提交Photographs and ink drawings must not be combined in a formal submission of the visual disclosure of the claimed design in one application. The introduction of both photographs and ink drawings in a design application would result in a high probability of inconsistencies between corresponding elements on the ink drawings as compared with the photographs ”补救方法:将照片整合成线条图,在不增加新内容的情况下(new matter,美国外观专利审查意见中的NEW MATTER并不是增加了新结构,而是如果一个无阴影的面修改成有阴影的面,就相当于产生了new matter),最好在最开始递交专业的绘图。

8、以下有些情况需要注意是:数字太小: 数字,字母和相关的文字的高度必须大于0.32厘米,1/8寸;不正确的指示线: 指示线一定要提到目标或者区域并标好数字;不合理的边距:A4或者8.5inch 的页边距必须 至少有:顶:2.5CM(1 Inch), 左:2.5cm (1 Inch),右:1.5cm, 底:1cm外观专利中不正确使用虚线:隐藏或看不见的面中,不可以使用虚线;不正确使用页码:页码应该在顶部中间位置,比参考数字要大一点。不可以使用照片,除非照片可以明确表达发明点。

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