1、 1.开头段的构成 英语专业四级的开头段一般由两部分构成: 根据写作要求中的“情景”,INTRODUCTION(引语)部分可单纯介绍社会生活现状,也可以引出人们对同一社会现象的不同看法,注意不要照搬“情景”中的语言,这样会影响评阅老师对作文的整体印象。THESIS(论点)部分在陈述自己观点时要注意两点:①要根据“情景”、“标题”和“三段式写作要求”确定中心论点;②陈述中心论点时,立场要明确,不要模棱两可。 (1)照搬“情景”中的背景介绍;而句(2)中的中心论点忽略了题目要求中的main difference,还模棱两可地提出了大学生活与中学生活既有不同点又有相似点。 对照组1: ①Every college student wouldagree that life in college is not the same asit was in the middle school. ②I thinkthere are many differences as well assimilarities. (2)的引介部分在语言上实现了四处比较巧妙的改变;中心论点部分也按照写作要求,指明了主要区别在于独立性的程度。 对照组2: ①It is generally accepted byundergraduates that college life is quitedifferent from that of middle-school. ②Inmy eye,the main difference lies in thedegree of independence.
2、 2.开头段写法 (1)经典引语法:引用名人名言、有哲理性的习语(包括谚语)、或是为大众普遍接细癌赜清受的言论开头。 例1.As Edison once said,“Genius was 1 percent inspiration and 99 per.cent perspiration”.To achieve more in the future,we college students shouldvalue tedious and hard work and do our utmost to grasp more practical knowledgeno matter how intelligent we are or are supposed to be. 例1首段引用了爱迪生的至理名言,从而自然引出文章主题:作为大学生,我们应该珍视漫长而艰苦的努力过程。 例2.Nowadays,mobile phones have become an indispensable part in peopie’S daily life.However,as the proverb goes, “There is no garden withoutweed”,cell phones also exercise negative influences upon our life and work. 例2中作者运用谚语自然引出手机的缺点。 (2)正反对比法:用反面观点引出中心论点,从反面强调事物的重要性。 例3.Teaching is a great profession.It is like a ship,ferrying the studentsfrom one side to the other side in the ocean of knowledge.It is like an angel,bringing all the love to the world.Without the teaching profession.there wouldbe no scientists,no educators,no technicians,no engineers,etc.Without theteaching profession,science and technology would not develop so rapidly as itdoes now,and human civilization would not have developed so splendidly. 例3开头段用两个without引出教育工作的重要性,为下文的论述做好了铺垫。 (3)欲擒故纵法:在引出作者个人观点之前,先用普通人的观点或解决方法作为铺垫,然后笔锋一转,点明个人与众不同的观点。例如: 例4. (1)It is now generally accepted that vehicles(cars,trucks,etc.)are amajor source of air pollution in cities. (2)Some solutions to the problem havebeen proposed,such as reducing the number of vehicles and using lead—freepetrol. (3)However,I would suggest replacing petrol with electricity as thesource of power. 例4开头段中,作者先在句(2)中提出一般的解决方法,然后在句(3)中提出自己不同干普通人的建议。 (4)提出问题法:在开头段中提出问题,吸引读者的注意力,另外在首段中运用修辞问句(包括设问句和反问句),还能起到一定的强调作用,例如: 例5 (1)Why do college graduates find it increasingly difficult to get a re—warding job? (2)Are they not prepped enough? (3)Maybe,they need more tipsfor job hunting. 例5开头段中,句(1)用特殊疑问句引出社会现实,吸引了读者注意力;句(2)为设问句,自然引出句(3)主题。