MATLAB提示not connected to a Solver Block

时间:2024-10-13 17:34:08


MATLAB提示not connected to a Solver Block

2、连接好原理图,点击运行按钮,却弹出下面的对话框,显示这样的语句:“Simscape components in untitled are not connected to a Solver Block.”

MATLAB提示not connected to a Solver Block

3、原因其实很简单,MATLAB的每一个电路当中必须有一个Solver Configuration模蕞瞀洒疸型,用于分析电路,这个模型就在“Simscape”->"Utilities"库当中。

MATLAB提示not connected to a Solver Block

4、从“Simscape”->“Utilties”中拖动一个“Solver Configuration”模型到原理图当中。

MATLAB提示not connected to a Solver Block

5、将Solver Configuration和“地”相连。

MATLAB提示not connected to a Solver Block


MATLAB提示not connected to a Solver Block


MATLAB提示not connected to a Solver Block
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