
时间:2024-10-11 19:02:00

1、【 embarrass 】美:[ɪm'bærəs] 英:[ɪm'bærəs; em-]vt. 使局促不安;使困窘;阻碍You didn't embarrass me in the slightest. 你一点也没让我为难.。someone who tries to embarrass you with gibes and questions and objections. 试图通过嘲笑、质问和拒绝而使人窘迫的人。


2、【 millennium 】美:[məˈlɛniəm] 英:[mɪˈlɛnɪəm]n. 千年期,千禧年;一千年,千年纪念;太平盛世,黄金时代The Bible is an assemblage of literature of immense variety by numerous authors, composed over more than a millennium. 《圣经》是一部出自许多作者之手,内容包括千年以上的五花八门的综合性文学著作。Such concessions are known from the second millennium B.C. 这种特许自公元前2000年即有所闻。


3、【 pharaoh 】美:['fεərəu] 英:['fεərəu]n. 法老;暴君So he went out from Pharaoh and made prayer to the Lord. 摩西就离开法老去求耶和华。He refused to have his portrait conventionalized into the customary smooth beauty of the pharaoh god. 他不让他的画像具有惯例的法老神的那种传统的温和的美。


4、【 liaison 】美:[ˈlɪəzɒn; lɪəˌzɑn] 英:[lɪˈeɪzn]n. 联络;(语言)连音Sorensen was named liaison officer. 索伦森被委派为联络官。Act as liaison between customer and sales representative. 担任或充当客户与销售代表之间的中间人或联系人。


5、【 convalesce 】美:[巳呀屋饔,kɑnvə'lɛs] 英:[,kɒnvə'les]vi. 渐愈;渐渐康复The State develops social welfare undertakings, build public welfare facilities to provide the conditions for the workers to rest, convalesce and recuperate. 国家发展社会福利事业,兴建公共福利设施,为劳动者休息、休养和疗养提供条件。She go to the seaside to convalesce after her stay in hospital. 她经过住院治疗後, 前往海滨养病。


6、【 supersede 】美:[,supɚ'sid] 英:[,suːpə'siːd; ,sjuː-]vt. 取代,代替;紧接着……而到来vi. 推迟行动The use of robots will someday supersede manual labor. 机器人的使用有一天会取代人力。It is a cunning device to supersede the aristocracy, and make the king sole and absolute autocrat. 这是一种要把贵族政治一笔勾销,而把国王变成唯一、绝对的专制统制者的狡猾诡计。


7、【 ecstasy 】美:['ɛkstəsi] 英:['ekstəsɪ]n. 狂喜;入迷;忘形It was an ecstasy beyond description, complete surrender. 这是无法形容的迷醉,是彻头彻尾的放纵。She was lost in ecstasy at the sight. 看到这情景,她高兴得不得了。


8、【 Caribbean 】美:[k濒鹱大退æri'bi(:)ən] 英:[kæri'bi(:)ən]n. 加勒比海adj. 加勒比人的;加勒比海的;加勒比语的The ship was heading straight into the Caribbean Sea. 船只径直驶入加勒比海。Today these steelpans have been so refined that skilled drummers can play not only caribbean rhythms but also Bach and Mozart. 如今,这此钢铁器皿加工得非常精致,技艺高超的鼓手不仅能击奏加勒比海曲调,而且能演奏巴赫和莫扎特的乐章。

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