1、表示占据(空间、时间):take up的意思是占用(空间或时间),通常与介词with或on连用。例如:“The new sofa takes up too much space in the living room.”(新沙发占据了客厅太多空间。)
2、表示开始从事(活动、爱好):take up的意思是开始进行某个新的活动或爱好。例如:“She decided to take up yoga to help her relax.”(她决定开始练瑜伽来帮助自己放松。)
3、表示接受(建议、建议):take up的意思是接受厢咆廨炝某人的建议或建议,通常与介词on连用。例如:“I think we should take up their o熠硒勘唏ffer to help us with the project.”(我认为我们应该接受他们提供的帮助来完成这个项目。)
4、表示提起(诉讼):take up的意思是提起诉讼或开始对某人采取法律行动。例如:“He decided to take up legal action against the company for breach of contract.”(他决定对公司的违约行为采取法律行动。)
5、表示拾起(电话):take up的意思是拿起或接电话。例如:“Sorry I didn't answer your call earlier, I was in the shower and couldn't take up the phone.”(对不起,我之前没接你的电话,我当时在洗澡,没法接电话。)