1、win10半夜3:29被唤醒win+x -> 事件查看器 -> Windows日志 -> 系统看看power troubleshooter事件的是否如下唤醒源: 未知,但可能是由于计时器的缘故 - Windows 将执行“NT TASK\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\Reboot”计划的任务,该任务请求唤醒计算机。
2、On WIN 10 there is an option in Local Group Policy Editor to set up it easily:Search:Local Group Policy Editor(you can launchgpedit.msc)Navigate to:Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Components / Windows UpdateDouble click on:Enabling Windows Update Power Management to automatically wake up the system to install scheduled updatesand set it to "Disabled".同时将Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\Reboot 计划任务禁用